Have you ever thought that you could have additional income by renting your house temporarily without having to worry about anything other than earning money that will come in handy? For this you need someone to manage your property. We can maximize your profitability by helping you set the right price and guaranteeing a high occupancy rate.
Estancias Temporales has a portfolio of homes that we have selected very carefully and which we aim to expand. These are flats and houses for people who need to come to our area temporarily for vacations, work or who need a temporary solution until they find their permanent home.
We will take care of everything for you with a comprehensive management service that will range from choosing the best tenant to furnishing your house or apartment, decorating it and cleaning it before and after occupancy so that it is always impeccable, as well as a previous and subsequent inventory and all the maintenance that is required. You will have an exclusive manager for you, so that you have a direct line at all times and you can be confident that you will not have to worry about anything.
Why Choose Us?
Complete Peace of Mind
We take on the hard work of property care, tenant selection, vetting, rent, and tenant relationship management.
High Quality Residents
We find the best residents by partnering with leading companies who value our convenient corporate housing service.
Professional Maintenance
We take care of any issue a resident has. We regularly clean your property and repair any resident caused damage.
24/7 Owner Support
We’re available 24/7 to answer your questions and handle any concerns you may have.
Become a Partner and unlock More Revenue
You can fill out the form including the property information so that we can make a first assessment and we will contact you right away.
We take care of your home like it’s our own. Whether it’s on our furnished or unfurnished model, we have a team of professionals working around the clock to make sure your home is in good hands.
Year Around Revenue
Our concept is simple: We renovate,decorate and manage apartments and houses in Barcelona turning them into high quality rental and co-living spaces that generate year round revenue.